Reaching out to solicit your support in speaking with your Falcon about the importance of following our RISE expectations and the Code of Student Conduct at all times! Below are just a few examples. 


  • Arrive to all classes on-time (including arrival to school prior to the 8:35 am tardy bell). 

  • Keep up with personal belongings (our lost and found is full of items, please check F2) 

  • Bring your charged laptop to school each day (it is needed to complete the majority of assignments). 

  • Keep your hands off others personal items (turning off a peers computer, trying to grab their bookbag or jean tags, borrowing items without a peers permission).


  • Complete classwork and all homework to the best of your ability and on-time  (including Lexia and IXL).

  • Volunteer in class to answer questions and think outside of the box.

  • Do more than the minimum required! 


  • Praise peers in class for giving a correct answer(someone may need that encouragement) 

  • See a peer in need or looking for a class, be helpful and assist them.

  • Say good morning and hello to peers, teachers and other adults on-campus. 

  • Avoid/report conflicts with peers (limit social media usage and do not engage in group chats).


  • Be focused in class and don't talk while the teacher or anyone else is speaking.

  • Use any down time in class to get started on homework or read. Do not horseplay or disturb others.  

  • If you become distracted, ask your teacher for a new seat location. 

    Falcon Families we are destined to have a great year, but we CAN NOT get there without your support! As an administration, we will continue to remove ANY obstacles that impede student learning. Students ARE NOT allowed to have electronics of any kind during instructional time, (BEATS, AIRPODS, PERSONAL IPADS or LAPTOPS) At this point, if they are confiscated, you will be required to pick them up between 3:30pm-4:30pm.

    Please review our RISE expectations and the Code of Student Conduct with your Falcon. Do-rags, skull caps and Nike Ski's ARE NOT TO BE WORN.  We can't stress enough, that we will not waste valuable instructional time trying to locate non-instructional items such as bookbag tags, jean tags and other items that do not align with instruction. If students engage in activities that impede the learning or safety of others, consequences will be assigned.